101 West Oxford Street

101 West Oxford Street. Photo by Jamie Meller. December 2022

Construction Underway at 101 West Oxford Street in Olde Kensington

A recent site visit by Philadelphia YIMBY has documented significant construction progress at a five-story, 35-unit development at 101 West Oxford Street in Olde Kensington, near the border of Fishtown. The development will feature ground-floor commercial space as well as parking and storage space in the basement, as well as a roof deck and a green roof at the top of the structure.

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101 West Oxford Street

Permits Filed for a 35-Unit Mixed-Use Development at 101 West Oxford Street in Olde Kensington, North Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a five-story mixed-use structure at 101 West Oxford Street in Fishtown, Kensington, near the border of Olde Kensington, North Philadelphia. The structure will hold 35 residential units, each being an apartment. Resident storage will be located in the basement of the structure, with the ground floor used for a commercial space and parking. A roof deck will be located atop the building, as well as a green roof that allows the building a density bonus. The building will occupy a 12,363 square foot land parcel and hold 51,785 square feet of space. Chatham Bay Construction Services is the listed contractor. Construction costs are estimated at $6 million.

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