Permits have been issued for the construction of a four-story apartment building at 2721 Ruth Street, Kensington. The building will be located on a lot spanning 0.49 acres, situated on a corner block bound by East Lehigh Avenue, Kensington Avenue, Jasper Street, facing Ruth Street. The project has an allocated total construction cost of $15.6 million. Cecil Bakers + Partners is responsible for the designs. Permits list Caritas Management LLC as the contractor.
New Kensington Community is listed as the property owner.

2721 Ruth Street First Floor Plan via Cecil Bakers + Partners
The scope of work includes the construction of a four-story residential building that will yield a total built-up area spanning 45,866 square feet. The multi-family residential building will offer 44 dwelling units. The building will have a roof deck and a roof deck access structure. Onsite parking will be provided for 17 vehicles within the property along with 15 bike parking spots.

2721 Ruth Street Floor Plan (2-4 Floors) via Cecil Bakers + Partners
Building elevations reveal that the residential building will feature wood-frame construction on a reinforced concrete foundation. The building’s facade is proposed to feature modular brick, metal siding, and cast stone, punctuated by windows for circulation and ventilation. The building height is proposed to rise to 43 feet. Six trees with a gap of 20 feet will be planted on the site.
Separate permits are required for the commercial space, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire suppression work.

2721 Ruth Street North Elevation via Cecil Bakers + Partners
The site is located near various industrial stops, grocery stores, shops, and restaurants. Both Huntingdon and Somerset Stations are located a five-minute walk away. No estimated construction timeline has been announced yet.
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Are you serious? With all the crime and the homeless all around. How much will these apartments cost to rent?
I think at least if they’re going to put people from other parts of Philly or wherever they’re coming from to live in Kensington in these newly renovated buildings, I think it would be wise and I also think it would make a lot of sense to the city to at least put middle class people in those buildings as well and if middle class people can’t afford it then the building owner should take the program that the middle class people apply for which pays either 3/4 of your rent and then the middle class person pays the rest no one has to know no one has to know that the middle class person isn’t some rich person and I think that would at least allow the people of Kensington and Philadelphia in itself to know that you’re not just trying to kick people out of their neighborhoods because I don’t know if you hear it because you’re in your little office building and you’re in your little office just chilling and watching TV and doing whatever you’re doing but a lot of people are getting very very angry it’s not just one or two people there are a lot of people that are getting very angry that you build these buildings for people out of towners so that they can move in literally just yesterday there was a woman in one of these newly renovated buildings just not even finished yet and there’s a doctor’s office across the street and she was on her patio smoking a cigarette and she screamed across the street what are you junkies trying to get medicine this is a psychiatrist office now she doesn’t know if she offended someone that has severe mental problems and God only knows what that guy was and I was walking by and locking my bike up and lo and behold she said that like she was some high and mighty Queen and the guy said who the f are you talking to and she said you cuz she’s up on the second floor high-rise and he said come down here and say it to my face and that’s when he got mad and the cops came and he said I’m sick of these Ricky rich is coming into Philadelphia thinking talk to anybody the way they want I went to my psychiatrist to talk for 1 hour and this lady’s on her step or should I say Patty and she had the Patty and she had the Patty and she had the nerve to Patty and she had the nerve to say Patty and she had the nerve to say Pat io and don’t know me and she said to me that I’m some kind of junkie trying to get medicine from my therapist and he said first of all my therapist cannot write me any medicine she’s just there to talk and he said I’m a military veteran and I have PTSD and my therapist talks to me about it every week and I will not come here and have these people harass me because I’m walking out of the therapist office I’m sure that angry woman has a therapist of her own and if she doesn’t she needs one because I was stunned and I couldn’t believe it and I just stood there pretending to lock my bike up because the cops actually shook their head and were like I don’t know why these people that own these big companies are putting all of these housing projects into these areas and for some reason just happens to be people that are and the cop said a curse word so I can’t write it and it was nice to see that the cop side it with the man who was the veteran because I am a veteran and no one knows what you see over there unless you are a veteran no one knows what what veterans go through no one has any idea what it’s like to watch a person blown to bits so they need to just shut their mouth and leave people alone I was raised by my grandmother and she told me to always respect people if I was that woman and I said that someone and my grandmother was still here she would have taken her plastics spatula and slap me right on the hand and told me don’t ever disrespect people like that nobody is better than anyone your money isn’t going with you when you drop dead lady and with the way she’s talking to people I can’t say that won’t be soon LOL and I’m not making a threat at all but for someone to go around talking to people like that she definitely needs her own therapist before she says something to the wrong person thank God that guy only called the police.