
648 North 38th Street. Looking southwest. Credit: Google Maps

Permits Issued for Three-Unit Residential Building at 648 North 38th Street in Mantua, West Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-story, three-unit residential building at 648 North 38th Street in Mantua, West Philadelphia. The structure will replace a vacant lot situated on the west side of the block between Wallace and Melon streets and will span a footprint of 1,000 square feet. The interior will feature 2,511 square feet of interior space, translating into units averaging 837 square feet each. Permits list Kibbutz 03 LLC as the owner, David Whipple as the design professional, and Ripner Inc. as the contractor. Construction costs are specified at $251,100.

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3616 Haverford Avenue. Looking southeast. Credit: Google Maps

Permits Issued for Mixed-Use Building at 3616 Haverford Avenue in Mantua, West Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-story, mixed-use building at 3616 Haverford Avenue in Mantua, West Philadelphia. The structure will rise from a vacant lot located on the south side of the block between North 36th and North 37th streets. The building will span a 1,249-square-foot footprint and contain 4,996 square feet of interior space, which will be divided between three residential units and a ground-floor commercial space. The planned roof deck promises to offer dramatic skyline views of nearby University City and Center City. Permits list Lamont L. Heller as the owner and Tommy’s Plumbing Services LLC as the contractor. Construction costs are specified at $500,000.

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Current view of 616 North 40th Street. Credit: Google.

Permits Issued For 616 North 40th Street In Mantua, West Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-story, mixed-use building at 616 North 40th Street in MantuaWest Philadelphia. The structure will feature ground-floor commercial space and three residential units. A pilot house will provide access to a roof deck. The building will hold a total of 4,381 square feet of space. Anthony Maso is the design professional for the development, with JPL Construction listed as the contractor. Construction costs are listed at $400,000.

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Current view of 3951 Lancaster Avenue. Credit: Google.

Permits Issued for Seven-Unit Building at 3951 Lancaster Avenue in Mantua, West Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a seven-unit mixed-use building at 3951 Lancaster Avenue in MantuaWest Philadelphia. The building is projected to rise four stories tall, with a commercial space to be located on the ground floor and residential units above. The building will also feature a roof deck. In total, the structure is expected to yield 10,700 square feet of interior space and cost an estimated $1.25 million to build.

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