Articles by YIMBY Team

250 Gates Street Front Elevation

Permits Issued for 250 Gates Street in Manayunk, Northwest Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of two four-story attached residential structures at 250 Gates Street in Manayunk, Northwest Philadelphia. The primary location is listed as 4768 Silverwood Street, with two parcels, Parcel A and Parcel B, being the specific construction sites. The buildings will be located along Gates Street, on a block bound by Silverwood Street, Sheldon Street, and Fountain Street. Jos. A. Serratore & Co. Architects is responsible for the designs. Permits list Northeast Renovations LLC as the contractor and a total construction cost of $375,000.

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3844 Fairmount Avenue Plan

Permits Issued For 3844 Fairmount Avenue in Mantua, West Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for a residential project proposed at 3844 Fairmount Avenue in Mantua, West Philadelphia. The project proposal includes the construction of a new three-story building offering three residential units. The building will be located on a lot spanning 1,395 square feet, situated on a block bound by Melon Street, North 39th Street, and North 38th Street, facing Fairmount Avenue. Permits list Able Eagle as the contractor. Alfa Engineering LLC is listed as the design professional. AHM Properties LLC is the permit holder. Construction costs are specified at $215,000, of which $180,000 is allocated toward general construction, and $35,000 for excavation work.

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310 Porter Street 3D Rendering

Permits Issued for 310 Porter Street in Whitman, South Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-story single-family row house with a finished basement at 310 Porter Street in Whitman, Philadelphia. The project site is located on a parcel bound by Galloway Street, South 3rd Street, and Shunk Street, facing Porter Street. The Ramtin Group is responsible for the designs. Permits list Armand Builders LLC as the contractor and specify a total construction cost of $230,000. Daku Group LLC is listed as the permit holder.

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2247 North 8th Street Front Elevation

Permits Issued for 2247 North 8th Street in North Philadelphia East

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-story, three-unit residential structure at 2247 North 8th Street in North Philadelphia East. The building will be located on a vacant lot spanning an area of 1,390 square feet, situated on a block between Dauphin Street, Susquehanna Avenue, and Franklin Street, facing 8th Street. KCA Design Associates is listed as the design professional. KCA Design Associates is also listed as the permit holder. Permits list JPL Construction Inc as the contractor and specify a construction cost of $600,000.

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308 Porter Street Front Elevation

Permits Issued for 308 Porter Street in Whitman, South Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-story single-family row house with a finished basement at 308 Porter Street in Whitman, South Philadelphia. The project site is located on a parcel bound by Galloway Street, South 3rd Street, and Shunk Street, facing Porter Street. The Ramtin Group is responsible for the designs. Permits list Armand Builders LLC as the contractor and specify a total construction cost of $230,000. Daku Group LLC is listed as the permit holder.

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