
Rendering of 2157 East Lehigh Avenue. Credit: DesignBlendz.

Permits Issued for Three Buildings at 2157 East Lehigh Avenue in East Kensington

Permits have been issued for the construction of a 278-unit mixed-use development at 2157 East Lehigh Avenue in East Kensington. Designed by DesignBlendz, the complex will consist of four buildings ranging from 60 to 75 feet in height. In total, the project will offer parking for 132 cars and 96 bicycles. Building A (01) will rise six stories tall and contain commercial space at the ground floor and 81 residential units, a roof deck, and a small parking garage. In total, the building will house 73,124 square feet of space, with construction costs estimated at $3.5 million. Building C (03) will also rise six stories tall and include a roof deck and a garage, though it will not offer commercial space on the ground floor. The building will span a total of 56,981 square feet of space, contain 60 residences, and cost $3.5 million to build. Matching the other structures, Building D (04) will also reach a height of six stories. There will be no commercial space, though it will include a garage and 65 residential units. In total, the building will hold 71,437 square feet of space, and cost $3.5 million. No permits were filed yet for Building B (02), which will rise seven stories tall, hold 65,550 square feet of interior space, and feature 72 units.

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Rendering of 3449 Scott’s Lane. Credit: DesignBlendz.

Permits Issued for 3449 Scotts Lane in East Falls, Northwest Philadelphia

Partial permits have been issued for a large multi-family development proposed at 3449 Scotts Lane in East Falls, Northwest Philadelphia. Designed by DesignBlendz and developed by the Stamm Development Group, the complex will contain four multi-family buildings totaling 220 residential units and spanning 190,147 square feet of space. The plan will include 220 accessory parking spaces, with 149 set in an underground garage and 71 on the surface.

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Rendering of 401-07 East Walnut Lane. Credit: DesignBlendz.

Renderings Revealed for 57-Unit Building at 401-07 East Walnut Lane in East Germantown, Northwest Philadelphia

Renderings have been revealed for a 57-unit multi-family development at 401-07 East Walnut Lane in East GermantownNorthwest Philadelphia. Designed by DesignBlendz, the building will rise five stories tall, with units occupying 48,816 square feet of space and consisting of one studio, 38 one-bedroom, and 18 two-bedroom apartments. The development will also include 20 bicycle spaces and a green roof.

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Rendering of 1103 South 47th Street. Credit: Desigmblendz.

Permits Issued for 15-Unit Building at 1103 South 47th Street in Squirrel Hill, West Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a 15-unit multi-family building at 1103 South 47th Street in Squirrel HillWest Philadelphia. Designed by Designblendz, the building will rise four stories tall. A commercial space will be located on the ground floor and a roof deck will be included at the top of the structure. In total, the building will hold 20,771 square feet of space and cost an estimated $2.6 million to build.

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