Zoning table

2314 North Sydenham Street. Building section. Credit: Mass Architecture Studio LLC via the City of Philadelphia

Permits Issued for 2314 North Sydenham Street Near Temple University in North Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-story two-family rowhouse at 2314 North Sydenham Street near Temple University in North Philadelphia. The structure will rise from a vacant lot on the west side of the block between West Dauphin Street and West York Street. Designed by Mass Architecture Studio, the building will span 3,360 square feet and will feature a basement and a roof deck. Permits list Amazon Electric as the contractor.

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4171 Mantua Avenue. Building section. Credit: Plato Studio via the City of Philadelphia

Permits Issued for 4171 Mantua Avenue in Belmont, West Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-story, four-unit rowhouse at 4171 Mantua Avenue in Belmont, West Philadelphia. The new building will replace a portion of a large vacant lot on the north side of the block between North 41st Street and North 42nd Street. Designed by Plato Marinakos, Jr. of Plato Studio, the project will span 2,509 square feet and will include a basement and two roof decks. Permits list Yona Construction as the contractor and specify a construction cost of $700,000.

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447 North 42nd Street. Building elevations. Credit: KCA Design Associates via the City of Philadelphia

Permits Issued for 447 North 42nd Street in West Powelton, West Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-story single-family rowhouse at 447 North 42nd Street in West Powelton, West Philadelphia. The structure will rise from a vacant property situated on the east side of the block between Baring Street and Spring Garden Street. Designed by KCA Design Associates, the structure will span 2,785 square feet and will feature a basement. Permits list the Beau Wurges as the contractor.

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425 Pierce Street. Building elevations. Credit: Studio III Architecture via the City of Philadelphia

Permits Issued for 425 Pierce Street in Wharton, South Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a four-story single-family rowhouse at 425 Pierce Street in Wharton, South Philadelphia. The new building will replace a two-story prewar rowhouse on the north side of the block between South 4th Street and South 5th Street. Designed by Studio III Architecture, the structure will span 2,197 square feet and will feature a rear terrace and a roof deck. Permits list Keithan Griffin as the contractor.

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1437 South 58th Street. Building elevation. Credit: Studio C Architecture via the City of Philadelphia

Permits Issued for 1437 South 58th Street in Kingsessing, Southwest Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a four-story, 19-unit mixed-use building at 1437 South 58th Street in Kingsessing, Southwest Philadelphia. The new building will replace a vacant and two ornate prewar rowhouses situated on the northeast side of the block between Hadfield Street and Willows Avenue, extending to Willows Avenue. Designed by Studio C Architecture, the development will span 25,019 square feet and feature two ground-floor commercial spaces, an elevator, a roof deck, a green roof, and parking for eight bicycles. Permits list Uliz Construction as the contractor and indicate a construction cost of $4 million.

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