
Rendering of Oxford Row. Credit: Ambit Architecture.

Foundation Work Progresses at Oxford Row in Fishtown, Kensington

Foundation work is making steady progress at Oxford Row, a townhouse development rising at 1408-18 East Oxford Street in Fishtown, Kensington. Designed by Ambit Architecture, the development will add seven new homes to the neighborhood, each rising four stories tall. A small drive aisle will cut the row into two parts, allowing for access to a small parking lot that will provide spaces for residents.

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Rendering of 1601 Frankford Avenue.

Excavation Advances at The Skylar at 1601 Frankford Avenue in Fishtown, Kensington

Excavation work is making steady progress at The Skylar, a mixed-use development underway at 1601 Frankford Avenue in Fishtown, Kensington. Designed by Ambit Architecture and developed by Stamm Development Group, the new building will stand three stories tall, span 5,910 square feet, and feature ground-floor commercial space, four residential unit, a cellar, and a roof deck. In total, the building is expected to cost an estimated $1.15 million.

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Rendering of 1212-16 North Delaware Avenue.

Permits Issued for 48-Unit Building at 1212-16 North Delaware Avenue in Fishtown, Kensington

Permits have been issued for the construction of a six-story mixed-use building at 1212-16 North Delaware Avenue in Fishtown, Kensington. The building will feature commercial space at the ground floor and 48 apartments above. In total, the new building will hold 41,538 square feet of space. The project will include a roof deck and 12 off-site parking spaces for building residents, one of which will be reserved for car sharing, as well as 16 bicycle spaces. Permits list Janice Woodcock as the design professional and GMT Associates, Inc. as the contractor. Construction costs are estimated at $6.5 million.

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Rendering of 1324-38 Frankford Avenue

Permits Issued for 20-Unit Building at 1324-38 Frankford Avenue in Fishtown, Kensington

Permits have been issued for the construction of a 20-unit mixed-use condominium building at 1324-38 Frankford Avenue in Fishtown, Kensington. The new building will rise four stories tall and will feature commercial space at the ground floor. A roof deck and a green roof will be situated at the top. The structure will span a total of 21,472 square feet of space.

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Rendering of 701-19 East Girard Avenue. Credit: JKRP Architects.

Permits Issued for 53-Unit Mixed-Use Building at 701-19 East Girard Avenue in Fishtown, Kensington

Permits have been issued for the construction of a 53-unit multi-family building at 701-19 East Girard Avenue in Fishtown, Kensington. Designed by JKRP Architects, the building will rise four stories tall and will hold commercial space on the ground floor. In total, there will be 58,260 square feet of space situated within the building. Construction costs are estimated at $9.3 million.

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