
Rendering of 1868 Frankford Avenue. Credit: Drzal Architects.

Exterior Work Nears Completion at 1868 Frankford Avenue in Fishtown, Kensington

Exterior work is nearing completion at 1868 Frankford Avenue, a five-story, 21-unit mixed-use development rising in Fishtown, Kensington. The new building will feature an approximately 5,500-square-foot retail space on the ground floor, with residential space will be situated above. The project is proceeding as-of-right due to the planned fresh food market on the ground floor, which allows for a height and density bonus.

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Rendering of 1601 Frankford Avenue.

Permits Issued for 1601 Frankford Avenue in Fishtown, Kensington

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-unit mixed-use building at 1601 Frankford Avenue in Fishtown, Kensington. Upon completion, the new building will rise three stories tall and will feature a commercial space on the ground floor. The upper floors will hold residential space. The structure will include a cellar and a roof deck. In total, the building will hold 7,659 square feet of space. Construction costs estimated at $1.15 million.

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Former rendering of 1350 North Front Street. Credit: Bright Common.

Permits Issued for 14-Unit Building at 1350 North Front Street in Fishtown, Kensington

Permits have been issued for the construction of a 14-unit mixed-use building at 1350 North Front Street in FishtownKensington. Designed by Gnome Architects (with the original design done by Bright Common), the building will rise five stories tall and include a commercial space on the ground floor. In total, 19,830 square feet of space will be located within the structure, with construction costs estimated at $2,328,307.

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View of 1112-16 East Berks Street. Credit: Google.

Permits Issued for 40-Unit Building at 1112-16 East Berks Street in Fishtown, Kensington

Permits have been issued for the construction of a 40-unit multi-family development at 1112-16 East Berks Street in Fishtown, Kensington. Upon completion, the building will rise four stories tall and will feature 14 bike spaces, and a roof deck with a green roof will also be included. In total, the building will hold 37,971 square feet of space. Construction costs are estimated at $4,556,520.

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