Articles by Colin LeStourgeon

View of 1703-07 Point Breeze Avenue. Credit: Google.

Permits Issued for Three Two-Unit Buildings at 1703-07 Point Breeze Avenue in Point Breeze, South Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of three multi-family buildings at 1703-07 Point Breeze Avenue in Point BreezeSouth Philadelphia. Upon completion, each will rise four stories tall, with two residential units each and a grand total of six. Each building will each hold around 1,400 square feet of space, with listed construction costs of $220,000 per structure.

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Current view of 1929 North 7th Street. Credit: Google.

Permits Issued for Six-Unit Building at 1929 North 7th Street in North Philadelphia East

Permits have been issued for the construction of a six-unit multi-family building at 1929 North 7th Street in North Philadelphia East near Temple University. Upon completion, the building will rise five stories tall. A roof deck will be located at the top of the structure. The building will hold 9,156 square feet of space and cost an estimated $900,000 to build.

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