Articles by Colin LeStourgeon

2226 North Franklin Street, Credit: KCA Design Associates.

Permits Issued for 2226 North Franklin Street In North Philadelphia East

Permits have been issued for the construction of a four-unit multi-family building at 2226 North Franklin Street in North Philadelphia East. Designed by KCA Design Associates, the new building will stand three stories tall. There will be four residential units within the structure, each an apartment. The units will span a total of 5,000 square feet. Construction costs are listed at $500,000.

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State Street in Media. Image Credit: SEPTA

YIMBY Observes New Development in Media, PA

The majority of Philly YIMBY’s attention is focused on development activity in the city of Philadelphia. This comes as no surprise, especially considering that more than 50 percent of new residential permits issued in 2021 in Pennsylvania were issued within the city limits. However, there is plenty of interesting activity happening in the surrounding communities, as well, just on a smaller scale. A variety of suburban towns and communities are densifying and building urban housing more resemblant of what is found within the city within whose orbit they lie. The Borough of Media is a prime example.

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956 East Erie Avenue.

Permits Issued For 956 East Erie Avenue In Juniata, North Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a warehouse at 956 East Erie Avenue in JuniataNorth Philadelphia. The new building will stand one story tall and feature a sprawling footprint that allows for 592,312 square feet of interior space. The project will feature 44 loading spaces as well as 229 parking spaces, seven of these being accessible, and 104 of these for trailers. A total of 56 bicycle parking spaces will also be included. Construction costs are listed at $20 million.

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