Site Cleared at 2331-33 East York Street in Olde Richmond, Kensington
A recent site visit by Philadelphia YIMBY has observed that a construction site has been cleared for the construction of 2331-33 East York Street in Olde Richmond, Kensington, where a three-story rowhouse and an adjacent fenced-in lot are slated to be replaced by a three-story mixed-use building. The building will hold commercial space in the basement and at the first floor (which will house a restaurant, according to both permits and the rendering) and four residential units on the floors above. The 7,400-square-foot structure will feature full sprinkling and a roof deck, which, judging by the building’s height and lack of nearby obstructions, will offer decent views of the skyline. Permits list Plato Marinakos as the design professional, PASP LLC as the contractor, and a construction cost of $500,000.