Articles by Vitali Ogorodnikov

Permits Filed for 2059-61 East York Street in Kensington

Permits have been filed for the construction of a single-family structure at 2059-61 East York Street in Kensington. The building will span a 1,604 square foot footprint and will feature a roof deck. A vacant grass lot spans the address at number 61 and a three-story prewar rowhouse occupies the site at number 59. It is unclear whether the structure will be demolished or incorporated into the new building, since no demolition permits have been filed as of yet. Hulk Industries Inc is the listed owner.

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Demolition Permits Filed for 705 and 707 South 19th Street in Graduate Hospital, South Philadelphia

Demolition permits have been filed for a pair of adjacent three-story rowhouses at 705 and 707 South 19th Street in the Graduate Hospital neighborhood of South Philadelphia. The permits also call for merging the two lots into one, with an apparent primary address at 705 South 19th Street. ZI 705 S 19th Street is the listed owner for house number 705, while Cox Edward S and Cox Stephen R are listed as the owners for house number 707.

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