Articles by Vitali Ogorodnikov

620 Moore Street. Rendering credit: CANNOdesign

Construction Nears Completion at 620 Moore Street in Wharton, South Philadelphia

Philly YIMBY’s recent site visit to the block-long, 58-unit complex at 620 Moore Street in Wharton, South Philadelphia, has observed that the development is in its final stages of construction and will likely be completed later this year. Designed by CANNOdesign, the primarily residential project will consist of three adjoining buildings, each rising four stories. The site spans from Moore Street to the north to South 6th Street to the east and South 7th Street to the west, with a 52-unit apartment building, articulated as separate independent structures, taking up the majority of the lot. At the street corners, two mixed-use buildings will each hold a commercial space at the ground floor and three residences on the floors above.

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1914-20 South 7th Street. Photo by Jamie Meller. January 2023

Renovation Complete at 1914-20 South 7th Street in Wharton, South Philadelphia

Philly YIMBY has recently visited the site of a renovation and single-story addition at 1914-20 South 7th Street in Wharton, South Philadelphia. Located between Hoffman and Dudley streets, the structure includes commercial space on the first floor and ten residential units above. With the addition of a fourth floor, the building holds 11,658 square feet. Construction costs for the project are listed at $1 million.

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841-51 South 2nd Street. Credit: HDP Architecture

Foundation Work Underway at 841-51 South 2nd Street in Queen Village, South Philadelphia

Philly YIMBY’s recent visit has observed sustained foundation work progress at a four-story, 42-unit mixed-use structure at 841-51 South 2nd Street in Queen Village, South Philadelphia. The structure will rise at the northeast corner of 2nd and Christian streets. Designed by Harman Deutsch Ohler Architecture, the development will span 54,313 square feet, with a plaza at the street corner and retail on the ground floor, as well as a roof deck. Permits list Indian Harbour Asset Management LLC as the contractor and a construction cost of $6.79 million.

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943-49 Washington Avenue. Photo by Jamie Meller. January 2023

Construction Nears Completion at 943-49 Washington Avenue in Bella Vista, South Philadelphia

Philly YIMBY’s recent site visit has observed that construction work is nearly complete at a five-story, 24-unit residential building underway at 943-49 Washington Avenue in Bella VistaSouth Philadelphia. The project rises on the northeast corner of the intersection of Washington Avenue and South 10th Street, just to the north of the Italian Market. Upon completion, The building will span 29,535 square feet and will feature ground-level retail. Permits list TBC LLC as the contractor and Lonny Rossman as the design professional. Construction costs are specified at $4.2 million.

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300 Christian Street. Photo by Jamie Meller. January 2023

Construction Underway at 300 Christian Street in Queen Village, South Philadelphia

Philly YIMBY’s recent site visit has observed that construction is progressing at a href=””>300 Christian Street, a multi-family development in Queen VillageSouth Philadelphia. Designed by Ambit Architecture, the new building will rise three stories tall and hold 30 residential units, as well as underground parking for 11 cars and 14 bicycles and include a roof deck.

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