2510 Sepviva Street. Front elevation. Credit: Plato Studio via the City of Philadelphia

Permits Issued for 2510 Sepviva Street in Olde Richmond, Kensington

Permits have been issued for the construction of a four-story single-family rowhouse at 2510 Sepviva Street in Olde Richmond, Kensington. The new building will replace a single-story garage situated on the northwest side of the block between East Cumberland Street and East Firth Street. Designed by Plato Marinakos, Jr. of Plato Studio, the structure will span 2,568 square feet and will feature a roof deck. Permits specify Lawrence General Contractors as the contractor.

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2120 North Percy Street. Building section. Credit: 24 Seven Design Group via the City of Philadelphia

Permits Issued for 2120 North Percy Street in North Philadelphia East

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-story two-family rowhouse at 2120 North Percy Street in North Philadelphia East near Temple University. The development will rise from a vacant lot sited on the west side of the block between Diamond Street and West Susquehanna Avenue. Designed by the 24 Seven Design Group, the structure will span 2,464 square feet and will feature a basement and a roof deck. Permits list Deva Real Estate Development as the contractor.

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2234 Manton Street. Building section. Credit: Plato Studio via the City of Philadelphia

Permits Issued for 2234 Manton Street in Point Breeze, South Philadelphia

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-story single-family rowhouse at 2234 Manton Street in Point Breeze, South Philadelphia. The new structure will rise from a vacant lot sited on the south side of the block between South 22nd and South 23rd streets. Designed by Plato Marinakos, Jr. of Plato Studio, the building will span 2,504 square feet and will include a cellar and a roof deck. Permits list Gilad Bergerin as the contractor.

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2511 North Leithgow Street. Building elevations. Credit: Zoning permit via the City of Philadelphia

Permits Issued for 2511 North Leithgow Street in West Kensington

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-story single-family rowhouse at 2511 North Leithgow Street in West Kensington. The new building will be constructed upon a vacant lot sited on the east side of the block between West Cumberland Street and West Huntingdon Street. The structure will span 1,128 square feet and will include a cellar. Permits list Zito Cologero as the contractor.

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1042 West Dauphin Street. Building section. Credit: 24 Seven Design Group via the City of Philadelphia

Permits Issued for 1042 West Dauphin Street in North Philadelphia East

Permits have been issued for the construction of a three-story two-family rowhouse at 1042 West Dauphin Street in North Philadelphia East near Temple University. The development will rise from a vacant lot sited on the south side of the block between North 10th and North 11th streets. Designed by the 24 Seven Design Group, the structure will span 2,952 square feet and will feature a cellar and a roof deck. Permits list the Darbaz Inc. as the contractor.

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