Exterior Work Progresses on Live! Casino and Hotel in the Sports Complex District, South Philadelphia

Construction continues at Live! Casino and Hotel at 900 Packer Avenue in the Sports Complex district in South Philadelphia. Developed by The Cordish Companies and Greenwood Racing and Entertainment and designed by Bower Lewis Thrower Architects, the building that will be Philadelphia’s second casino will feature 1.5 million square feet of space and will generate over $2 billion in annual economic impact. The three-story casino will offer 2,200 slot machines and over 125 live action table games, and the 215-foot-tall, 14-story high-rise feature 215 rooms overlooking Citizens Bank Park, the Philadelphia International Airport, the Delaware River and the city skyline.

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Permits Filed For 2141 East Orleans Street In Port Richmond, Kensington

Permits have been filed for the construction of a single-family structure at 2141 East Orleans Street in Port Richmond, Kensington. The building will replace a vacant lot with a wooden fence blocking the site from the sidewalk, and will span a 600-squafre-foot footprint. The site sits on the west side of the street on a block between Martha Street and Amber Street. The property is owned by 2545 Front Street Holdings.

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Demolition Permits Filed for 2606 Reed Street in Grays Ferry, South Philadelphia

Permits have been filed for the demolition of a two-story rowhouse at 2606 Reed Street in Grays Ferry, South Philadelphia. The single-family building is located near the corner of Reed Street and 26th Street, situated on the south side of the street between a vacant lot to the east and another rowhouse to the west. The property is owned by 1107 Emily Street LLC.

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Harbisons Dairies Plant at 2041-2055 Coral Street. Credit: SgRA Architects

Conversion in Progress at the Harbisons Dairy at 2041-2055 Coral Street in Fishtown, Kensington

In recent years, Fishtown and greater Kensington have seen an increase in real estate development, which continues in recent months with a string of permit filings, as tracked by Philly YIMBY. While the majority of the projects involve ground-up construction, One of the neighborhood’s largest ongoing developments refurbishes the Harbisons Dairy, a local landmark located at 2041-2055 Coral Street. SgRA Architects are in charge of the design for the historically-protected building into a 55 apartments, extending the structure by two stories, and preserving and repainting the Harbisons Dairy milk bottle, a water tower that doubles as a local skyline icon.

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