1238 North Howard Street. Building elevation and section. Credit: Interface Studio Architects LLC via the City of Philadelphia

Rowhouse Construction Anticipated at 1238 North Howard Street in Fishtown

In October 2020, Philadelphia YIMBY reported that permits have been filed for a single-family rowhouse at 1238 North Howard Street near the junction of Fishtown and Olde Kensington. Our recent site visit has revealed that no construction has taken place since, though an updated construction permit issued this January indicates that the project is still under development. Designed by Interface Studio Architects and developed by Callahan Ward (which also serves as the contractor), the building will rise three stories plus basement, span 1,539 square feet, and feature a back yard and a roof deck.

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Rendering of 701-19 East Girard Avenue. Credit: JKRP Architects.

A Detailed Look at the 53-Unit Building Planned at 701 East Girard Avenue in Fishtown, Kensington

Earlier this month, Philadelphia YIMBY visited the site of a four-story, 53-unit apartment building proposed at 701 East Girard Avenue in Fishtown, Kensington. The building, also known under its full address of 701-19 East Girard Avenue, will replace a small strip mall at the northeast corner of East Girard Avenue and East Berks Street. Designed by JKRP Architects and developed by OCF Realty, with OCF Construction as the contractor, the structure will span 58,260 square feet and feature 7,817 square feet of ground-level commercial space, elevator service, a fitness center, bicycle storage, full sprinkling, a 10,999-square-foot green roof, and a 1,855-square-foot roof deck. Permits list the construction cost at $9.3 million. Today we take a closer look at the proposal and its positive impact on the neighborhood, and share schematics for the dome-topped, 17-story hotel proposed at the site in 2014.

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Rendering of 50 At Granite Run (now completed). Credit: BET Investments.

Site Prep Continues For Multi-Family Building at The Promenade at Granite Run in Middletown Township

Site prep work is making progress at the site of a large multi-family building planned at the edge of The Promenade At Granite Run, a mixed-use redevelopment at the site of the former Granite Run Mall in Lima in Middletown Township, PA. No specific renderings or plans have been released for the building, although the structure’s stats have been mentioned in brochures for the shopping center, listing 208 apartments to be added to the property, all set to be apartments. Developed by BET Investments, the structure will include “state-of-the-art virtual fitness clubs, a lavish pool an numerous socially engaging amenities.”

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2621-67 Frankford Avenue. Credit: HDO Architecture

A Detailed Look at the 453-Unit Building Proposed at 2621-67 Frankford Avenue in East Kensington

Last month, YIMBY visited the site of the six-story, 453-unit apartment building proposed at 2621-67 Frankford Avenue in East Kensington, where construction permits have been issued last year and construction preparation appears imminent. Today we take a detailed look at the massive building that is one of the largest on the drawing boards in Philadelphia. Designed by Harman Deutsch Ohler Architecture (HDO Architecture), with Turn Key Realty LLC as the contractor, the massive structure will hold 412,703 square feet of space and cost at $72 million to construct. The development will offer ample outdoor space for residents and will be a major boost to a rapidly-growing, high-density residential district.

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