Rendering of 4240 Chestnut Street. Credit: DAS Architects.

Facade Assembly Underway at 4240 Chestnut Street in Spruce Hill, West Philadelphia

Philly YIMBY’s recent site visit has observed that construction continues to advance at a seven-story, 128-unit mixed-use development at 4240 Chestnut Street in Spruce HillWest Philadelphia. Designed by DAS Architects, the structure is located on the south side of the block between South 42nd and South 43rd streets. The development will span 141,928 square feet, of which nearly 40,000 square feet will be used as office. Apartment sizes will likely average at just below 800 square feet each. Permits list Intercultural Family Services as the owner, Morris Clarke as the design professional, and HC Pody Company as the contractor. Construction costs are listed at $15.3 million.

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Rendering of 412 North 2nd Street. Credit: Morris Adjmi Architects.

Construction Pending at 412 North 2nd Street in Northern Liberties, Lower North Philadelphia

A recent site visit by Philadelphia YIMBY has observed that construction has not yet started at 412 North 2nd Street in Northern Liberties, Lower North Philadelphia. The development will rise between 2nd, Callowhill, and Willow streets in the southeast corner of Northern Liberties, near the Delaware River waterfront and a block north of Old City. Designed by Morris Adjmi Architects and developed by National Real Estate Development, LLC, (aka National Development) and The KRE Group, the tower will span 351,927 square feet and hold 397 residential units, 20,431 square feet of retail, and 105 parking spaces. Construction costs are listed at $93 million.

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2318 North Sydenham Street Section

Permits Issued for 2318 North Sydenham Street in North Philadelphia East

Permits have been issued for a new residential project proposed for development at 2318 North Sydenham Street in North Philadelphia East. The project proposal includes the construction of a three-story, two-unit residential project. The project site sits on a corner parcel bound by West Dauphin Street, West York Street, and North 16 Street, facing North Sydenham Street. Mass Architecture Studio is responsible for the designs. Permits list Infiniti Properties LLC as the owner.

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709 South 50th Street. Photo by Jamie Meller. November 2023

Construction Nearly Complete at 709 South 50th Street in Cedar Park, West Philadelphia

Philly YIMBY’s recent site visit has observed that construction work is nearing completion at a four-unit mixed-use development at 709 South 50th Street in Cedar ParkWest Philadelphia, which received permits last September. The development is located on the northeast side of the block between Willows Avenue and Pentridge Street. Designed by CANNOdesign, the building will rise three stories (four if including the third-floor mezzanine), span 4,990 square feet and feature commercial space on the ground floor and a roof deck. Permits specify PMC Construction & Development as the contractor. Construction costs are indicated at $437,000.

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5019 Pentridge Street. Photo by Jamie Meller. November 2023

Excavation Underway at 5019 Pentridge Street in Cedar Park, West Philadelphia

A recent site visit by Philly YIMBY has discovered that construction work has commenced at a three-story, six-unit residential structure at 5019 Pentridge Street in Cedar Park, West Philadelphia. The building will be located along Pentridge Street, on a block bound by 51st Street and 52nd Street. Designed by Kore Design Architecture, the project will span 6,634 square feet. Permits list TNA Builders LLC as the contractor and specify a construction cost of $940,000.

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